Since 2010 Learn to lead has been working within 20 primary schools and 9 secondary schools in B&NES. We are also now developing the model of children and young people creating projects in their local communities, but using their schools as base ‘hubs.’ This project is also to facilitate the engagement of these children’s parents and a means to involve the most difficult to reach families.

In May 2013, 15 young people attended a whole day workshop bringing together a range of youth groups, including the In-Care Council, Mentoring Plus, DAFBY, Project 28 and the Black Families Group to name just a few. The young people formed a plan, the purpose of which is: to enable young people to work in co-production with others in B&NES to commission projects they have identified that will improve their quality of life. Here are just a few of their statements from the day: Shyam: “I want to further my understanding and ability to develop ideas about positive change and turning them into positive action. I am here to support young people to take on the Learn to Lead ethos and make it work in our own groups and communities. I would like to support a model of participation that is meaningful and can include everyone.” Adam: “I would love to set up in co-production a web design youth group as a social enterprise to promote a greater standard of presentation for youth services”. Sharai: “I am here because I want to become more of a facilitator. I want to find the balance between support, guidance and structure to help others to lead.” Savarna: “I want to know that children can have a say and can do things to benefit the community”. Their specific goals already underway are to:

  • Design a consultation
  • To take the Learn to Lead model and include it in all groups
  • Set up office spaces in B&NES as base for LtoL project groups to meet and work from
  • Create young people as commissioners of projects they have identified that will improve their quality of life.